Aesthetic medicine

In the department of aesthetic medicine we use lymphatic drainage, ultrasonic cavitation, RF - radio frequency lifting and radio frequency electrosurgery.

Cosmetic treatments of the face and body by areas are done as well, with a facial and body massage therapy.


This is a painless method, for ultrasonic, non-surgical permanent removal of cellulite and fat deposits. It is the only efficient alternative to surgical liposuction. Low frequency ultrasonic waves turn solid fat cells into liquid cells, which are routed to lymphatic vessels and eliminated from the body naturally with the help of lymphatic drainage. The whole process is under the supervision of a physician after detailed examination and laboratory analysis. 

The zones of the abdomen, thighs, knees, upper arms, the region around the hips, etc. are most effectively treated.



Good lymph flow contributes to good health. Lymphatic drainage is used for many medical indications: lymph edema, detoxifying the body, improving venous circulation, prevention and elimination of leg swelling, prevention and elimination of cellulite as well as problems with tired, heavy legs. 

The goal with lymphatic drainage is to achieve movement of the body fluids.


It is the most effective non-surgical treatment for facial and body rejuvenation. It is performed from the age of 25 for the prevention of premature ageing, while older people use it to remove already visible wrinkles and tighten loosened skin.

The procedure is simple, painless, completely safe and does not require any form of anesthesia.

Radio frequencies with their thermal effect cause the synthesis of new collagen and elastin. Already present collagen contracts, which leads to immediate skin tightening, so the effects are visible immediately after the treatment. 

Depending on the degree of visible wrinkles, a series of 3-4 treatments with a 10 day gap in between is performed. To maintain the achieved effects, 1 treatment every two months is recommended.


It is used to remove fibromas, warts, keratosis, condylomas and moles. The advantages of radio frequencies are that they minimize traumatization of the tissue and lead to easier and faster wound healing without scarring. 

The method is comfortable, painless, safe, quick and without postoperative consequences such as tissue swelling, infections or bleeding.


This is the most up-to-date technology with herbal preparations and the use of available small modern technology appliances. There are 6 different software options for facial treatments available.

Facial treatment is non-invasive with several functions and a massage.

Radio frequencies, microvibrations, ionophoresis and lifting provide penetration through all three layers of the skin, they strengthen and rejuvenate the skin. They are more efficient and more pleasant than the invasive methods with needles. They replace botox and plastic surgery and they are used for facial cosmetics: for removing deep and fine lines, lifting eyelids, frontal facial muscles tightening and as well as chin and cleavage problems.


It is a medical treatment designed to remove localized fat deposits in the body (arms, abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, buttocks) and to remodelate the desired area. 

It is ideal for anyone with a cellulite problem, who even after a proper, often dietary nutrition and exercise has failed to get rid of it.



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