Ultrasound - Doppler Ultrasound


ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTICS is one of the basic methods for diagnostics of a certain disease. It is completely safe, non-invasive and it can detect very serious and sometimes life-threatening conditions.

It found its use in cardiology, endocrinology, breast and blood vessels diseases as well as in diagnostics of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With ultrasound we can examine all the organs in the abdomen: gall bladder, gall ways, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, urinary bladder, the prostate in men and in women: ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

On the neck, an ultrasound examines thyroid gland, lymph nodes, salivary glands, blood vessels and muscles of the neck.

Ultrasonicly we examine also the cardiovascular system, muscular sceletal systems, soft tissues (muscles), breasts and uro-genital system. 

In the polyclinic ’As Medicus Biorezonanca’ we perform the following ultrasound examinations:

  • Heart and blood vessels ultrasound
  • Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the neck
  • Thyroid ultrasound examination
  • Breasts ultrasound examination
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Uro-genital (renal, prostate, bladder and testicles)
  • Chidren’s hip ultrasound examination


Blood vessels doppler is a painless, non-invasive diagnostic method which measures the blood flow through blood vessels of the neck, head, arms, legs and abdominal organs.

This method gives us an insight into the shape and condition of the blood vessels walls (veins and arteries) and the quality of the circulation, and it reveals narrowings in blood vessels or their expansions (aneurysm).

Examining the arteries we can see plaques that narrow the blood vessels lumen, which determines a potencial risk of stroke and thrombosis. Therefore, we do Doppler ultrasound examination of:

  • Doppler of neck vascular blood vessels (symptoms: dizziness, Vertigo, tinnitus, transient visual loss in one eye)
  • Doppler of the legs (symptoms: swelling, pain and weight in the legs, quick legs tiredness, muscle cramps, itching, burning sensation and darkening skin) 
  • Doppler of the arms (symptoms: numbness and feeling of arm weakness, pain and weight in the arm)
  • Doppler of the renal blood vessels


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